Beautiful design attracts people. Good usability makes them stay.

Droplet Studios hydrates brands by mixing sharp creative instincts with smart insight into who you are and where you’re going.

Let’s create digital experinces that people will love!

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Hello, I'm
Vlad Dumitrache

A creative and quick-thinking strategist from London with over a decade of digital experience, specialising in digital strategy and user-focused service and product design.  

Passionate about designing digital experiences that leave a positive impact on people, environment and society.
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01 UX Strategy & Transformation
Used deliberately is a valuable process for your business. In collaboration with business stakeholders, I help to deliver genuine business value, find the optimal solutions and plan the next steps to your digital transformation.
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02 Digital Procut Design
I offers a holistic design service; from consolidating enterprise software solutions or services, right down to the creation of brand enriched design systems. Consistency, scalability and the highest design standards drive our delivery.
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03Design Enablement
I work with you to raise the bar in design standards within your organisation; your people, products & services. This delivers lasting value and a positive return on your investment.
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Extreme creative and great designs. If you need a design that fascinates your customer, ask Droplet Studios.

Hannes Robbier

CEO at Youspi

Energy and enthusiasm throughout the project, made it a pleasurable and rewarding experience. We would highly recommend his services to others.

Nick Milligan

CEO at Urban Display

What I can do for you?

Creating and developing a product is challenging and design is an important aspect of the product creation and its life cycle.

This process not only will save your business time and money, but also emphasize users understanding and good team relationships.

Kick Off

I come over to meet you, we diagnose the situation to find the pain-points and we establish a strategy moving forward.



I learn about your market, interview and create workshops to gather raw data from stakeholders and users.



I map the researched data and brainstorm possible solutions for the product.



I transform our solutions in low fidelity mock-ups and prototypes, to be tested with our target audience.



As part of our final design step, is time to implement our good solution into a pixel-perfect design system and user interface.


My process comes from Design Thinking and Lean UX methodology.

To put it simple, I find the best solutions for your product and I wrap them in a visually pleasing interface.

Meet the Team

Vlad Dumitrache

Art Director

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Can Anil

Art Director

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